Coco Chanel once said "simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance," and we couldn't find a truer statement to describe our six drawer Maren chest. Dressed in luxurious dove grey faux shagreen and...
Our exquisite, large rectangle box is perfect for all your tabletop treasures! Finished in on-trend brass with resin appliques, Alba brings a distinctive, luminous style to any display surface. 13...
LARGE STAR BOX WITH WHITE MARBLE LID AND BRASS BASE 5.75"W x 3.5"H x 5.75"D *Marble is a natural stone and will vary slightly in color, pattern, and veining.
With its lyrical loops and lovely lines, our large Hitch sculpture will delight your senses. The smooth matte black metal exterior is underscored by a brushed gold inner lining that catches the light...